Fueled by Freedom

I am Katrin, a psychotherapist with a background in management. I lead people out of crises and businesses out of unhealthy dynamics - because we are happier, more stable, and more productive when we can truly be ourselves.

  • Diversity Strategy
  • Mental Health
  • Neurodiversity

Smells Like Team Spirit

Diversity Strategy

As an experienced DE&I manager, I will help you dismantle discriminatory structures within your company and cultivate trust and belonging instead. We ensure measurable results that make sense on an economic and human level.

  • Mentoring, so that the people responsible for DE&I, as well as executives have clarity
  • Interim management, so that strategies take effect in record time
  • Workshops, so that the team is on board

Diversity is a real challenge. Shall we tackle it together?

Mental Health

All crises have something in common: they burden the psyche and require strength. Together, we'll shorten the road to control and develop strategies, that are easily utilizable for you, and bring joy and meaning to your life – professionally and personally.

  • Strategy consulting & workshops, so that companies can sustainably increase their resilience and work ability
  • Mental health coaching, so that executives can find support during crises and learn to create a healthy work environment
  • Crisis intervention for employees, so that acute situations can be put into perspective immediately

Sometimes we need someone to take the next step with us.


Neurodivergence is underestimated. Approximately 10-15% of the population are on the spectrum. This leads to challenges and opportunities for neurodivergent people and companies, which we should pay more attention to.

  • Community coaching, so that, for example, neurodivergent founders or members have space to exchange
  • Workshops & keynotes, so that innovation and drive are also utilized in companies
  • Individual coaching, so that you can find your path after diagnosis

Neurodiversity brings a different quality to life, and to companies. We shouldn't miss out on that, right?

Let's create environments that allow every person to unleash their full potential.

This is my mission. Naturally, my dream is for more people to think this way. Wouldn't it be a good start, if we, together, make satisfied people a driving factor of your business success?

Choose Your Level

  • The Individual

    In executive coaching, we concentrate on your specific issues. We resolve crises, get your workflow back on track, and update your internal and external dialogue.

  • The Team

    You can't bring about evolution on your own. In workshops and keynotes, your people will fill up on knowledge, develop sensitivity, and strengthen the corporate culture.

  • The Strategy

    At the intersection of mental health, diversity & corporate strategy, I deliver solutions for those questions regarding goals, measures, measurability, and stakeholder management.

I experienced Katrin during her time at Zalando and also later as an independent coach. She is an absolute expert in the topics of corporate health management, diversity and mental fitness. She conveys her knowledge with a lot of passion and practical relevance. As an HR executive herself, she knows what challenges managers face and how they can be solved. Therefore, her key notes & consulting solutions are absolutely and as a coach she acts as a sparring partner for people in mental health or identity crises. No topic is too delicate for her. I value Katrin's advice and can wholeheartedly recommend working with her.

Heidi Hofer

I had the privilege of collaborating with Katrin and during that time, Katrin was an exemplary manager known for her passion, creativity, and determination. Her commitment to achieving team goals was nothing short of inspiring. Katrin's energy and drive were contagious, creating a vibrant and positive work environment.

Amro Moussa Chapter-Lead Service Area & Engineering bei Deutsche Telekom

Katrin is buzzing with new ideas and is always thinking outside the box. With her expertise, she inspires those around her and helps connect the dots across functions. She has a great stakeholder management while being very empathetic. Katrin has always trusted me and given me the confidence to develop and grow with her by my side. Without her appreciation and coaching and pushing me from time to time out of my comfort zone, I would not be where I am now, both personally and professionally.

Hannah Kreer Lead Wellbeing bei Zalando SE

Katrin Terwiel hat unseren "Evolution of Work_shop" bei PwC Deutschland im März 2023 als Speakerin im Panel mit ihren spannenden Perspektiven zu Diversity, Equity und Inclusion extrem bereichert. Als kompetente Expertin und sehr angenehme Person kann ich sie absolut weiterempfehlen! Danke für deinen Input Katrin, ich hoffe, es war nicht unser letzter Austausch!

Isabell Baumgarten Head of Employer Branding & Recruitingstrategie bei EnBW


In my podcast, which I host with Tina Steckling, you can entertain yourself with carefully curated psychological discussions. We talk about topics that make up your life. For example: performance pressure, adverse childhood experiences, toxic relationships, and leadership.

Deep Shit Talks - Listen to all episodes: